Instagram: In my studio today writing some funny songs for an upcoming album of funny songs. I’ve been secretly producing music since 1988. Looking forward to playing these new funny songs to all of you. #Music #Studio #FunnySongs #ChickenSandwich Image Images, Instagram
Instagram: For some ridiculous reason I have decided to eat breakfast here this morning. Usually there is a long line up and I just happened to be driving by at 9:30 am right when they open. Oddly I have never had a hot dog here even though I have lived I. Los Angeles for 17 years. So today is the day. #Pinks #Hotdogs Image Images, Instagram
Instagram: I am now verified on Instagram as @tomgreen so tell all your friends to add me here!! Image Images, Instagram
Instagram: Next week I am in #Arizona in Tuscon and Phoenix get tickets now!! Image Images, Instagram
Instagram: I’ve been having a great time performing around Los Angeles the last few weeks. Here is a pic from this week @laughfactoryhw Everybody come out and see some live stand up comedy in #LosAngeles Image Images, Instagram
Instagram: #Hollywood come see me tonight @laughfactoryhw gonna be fun fun funny!! #LosAngeles Image Images, Instagram