Instagram: #Galway tonight! Come to my show!!! At the Roisin Dubh. #ireland On tour now! Image Images, Instagram
Instagram: Pre show at Vicar Street #Dublin in The Green Room photo by @vonseck Image Images, Instagram
Instagram: At the very end of my first show in Ireland! Thank you #Dublin for the amazing show! Tonight I’m in Limerick then Cork then Galway… all tour dates on Instagram, Videos
Instagram: About to hit the stage in one hour at Vicar Street #Dublin @VicarStreet #ireland Image Images, Instagram
Instagram: Made it to Dublin. Here on the banks of the River Liffey. The show starts soon! 8pm Still time to get to #vicarstreetdublin Image Images, Instagram
Instagram: #Dublin my first show ever in #Dublin is #TONIGHT Last chance for tickets to see my show live. Touring Ireland now! Image Images, Instagram
Instagram: Having a great day in London! Leave a comment if you have heard me on the radio today and are coming to my show! Image Images, Instagram