Author - Tom Green
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Instagram: Join me tonight at Major’s Hill Park at 6:30 pm until SUNSET. I will be having a picnic and enjoying the sunset beside Ottawa’s Chateau Laurier. Bring your own picnic baskets. Stay hydrated! Bring water. Bring sandwiches. Bring your social media voice to #SaveTheChateauLaurier
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Instagram: I have no words to properly express the sadness and shock that I am feeling today upon hearing my good friend John Ferriter has passed away unexpectedly. I have known John for 20 years. He was my first agent who helped me navigate through my initial years in the television business when I first moved to Los Angeles. But much more than just being a business associate he was also a very dear friend. All of us who knew John loved and adored him. He cared about his friends and his clients deeply. He also was funny. He could tell a story better than anyone. And believe me he had his share of incredible stories from his years as one of the most successful tv agents there ever was. He was just getting ready to embark on a European summer tour with his awesome band The Tearaways. John, I love you. I know you are making amazing music somewhere up there. Have a nice chilled martini for me buddy. Dirty with three olives. Like we like em. Rest in peace John Ferriter. Rest in peace.
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Instagram: #savethechateaulaurier #ottawa Come say hello July 27th 6:30pm to sunset I will be having a pic nic in the park. Bring your own pic nic baskets and come enjoy sunset in our beautiful Major’s Hill Park. Bring your phones and lets post social media videos of The Chateau and tell our friends online how we don’t want it hidden from view. Lets send the message to our #citycouncil #Parliament #MP #NCC #Larco and more that we want a redesign that will be satisfying to all parties. We need to protect the iconic view of Canada’s Capital. #picnic #july27 #saturday #sunset
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