Author - Tom Green
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Instagram: Devastated this morning to hear of the death of one of my favorite new artists of the last 10 years. Rest in peace @juicewrld999 you brought such incredible music to the world in your short life. 21 years old. Gone far too soon. My condolences to the friends, family, and fans of this talented man. #luciddreams
Images, Instagram
Instagram: Come to #Ottawa New Years Eve! We are gonna be telling jokes and partying together into the early hours of 2020!! After the show the DJ will be jammin and the fun will go late! Party of the year! And to my friends and fans across America and around the world come to Ottawa! Party in my hometown!! Come visit Canada’s capital and celebrate!! #standupcomedy #Tomgreen #KennyvsSpenny #NewYearsEve
Images, Instagram